Your Blueprint for Successful Building Projects
At THE DESIGNFIRE, our Property File Research gives you a straightforward and accurate look at your property records. It shows an overview of your property in regards to its building compliance status and historical details.
Our property file research service presents a clear and factual picture of your property as per documentation. We extract and interpret council information that could influence your development decisions allowing you to make informed choices.
Fill out the form at the bottom of this page for our Property File Research service.
*No obligation to proceed further.
*Free Property File Research Report is limited to one per person.
*Additional reports will be charged extra.
*Providing a Free Property File Research Report is at our discretion. We would love to help but it may depend on the current workload.
What you can expect from our Property File Research service:
Council Building Records
Every building has a story, and we’re here to read between the lines of its past. Our examination of council building records is thorough and thoughtful. We look at structural changes, past renovations, and other modifications that have shaped your property. This data is the narrative of your building’s evolution and is essential for plotting its future.
Council Fire Report Records
Fire safety is a requirement and a responsibility. Our meticulous review of the council fire report records the fire safety journey of your property. We analyse previous fire safety installations and compliance measures to give you a picture of its current status.
Summary of Findings
Our research culminates in a comprehensive summary that does more than just recount facts. It interprets the nuances of the information gathered to show where your property stands clearly. This summary is your strategic tool to guide your building projects with precision and foresight.
Request our Property File Research service today!
Our Property File Research service is your gateway to informed development, priced from $800+GST (larger property files will incur higher charges).
Fill out the form below for our Property File Research Service. Please note that you will need to provide us with a property file upload. We can request the property file on your behalf from the council, but this will include an additional charge.
One of our consultants will come back to you with your FREE report in 5 working days.
*No obligation to proceed further.
We allocated up to 30 minutes to review and provide a report. If there is a whole lot of information in the property file, we may not be able to review all the information.
For extension and development proposal, it is often not possible to provide feasibility implication without bulk and location drawing study. If we need to provide bulk and location drawings to determine feasibility, we will then advise you before finalising the feasibility study. The bulk and location drawing study is chargeable work.