THE DESIGNFIRE – Wrapping up 2022!
After work on Friday, December 11th, we all met up at Culprit restaurant on Wyndham Street to celebrate our collective achievements.
Earlier this year, Alice Park joined us as a practice administrator. For years, THE DESIGNFIRE has been crying out for an administrative hero, and we finally have one in Alice. With her support, we’ve been able to increase client satisfaction with improved project tracking. Alongside our practice manager, Camilla Kim, Alice also worked on a variety of company systems, marketing, and policies, upgrading and streamlining the consistency and quality of our work processes.
Daniel Park has now been working with us for five years. How time flies! Initially, Daniel came on board as a qualified project administrator and IT systems manager. During his time with us, he’s developed an interest in fire engineering and is now a valuable member of THE DESIGNFIRE fire team. He also began studying towards a fire engineering diploma this year. It will take him some years of dedication to finish, but we’ll keep encouraging him and know that he will get there!
I want to thank Alice Yang, Claire, and Chloe for their kindness and steadfast support throughout the year. It was a real pleasure having these guys on the team – both on good days and bad days. We shared a lot of work and fun.
Thanks to Emilio and Ahmad for a great year. Emilio has focused more on fire and passive fire design this year, saving me lots of trouble by applying intelligence and attention to his projects. Ahmad has been a valuable design member of the practice since he joined close to two years ago and is a pleasure to work with.
Ryan and Sean continue to be cornerstones of our practice. Ryan, our technical director, is now in his tenth year, while Sean, our senior lead, is in his seventh year with THE DESIGNFIRE. Their technical expertise, attention to detail, and friendly approach is always appreciated by everyone in the team.
It was great to have a chance to chat with Paul and Nicole at the Christmas dinner and get to know them a little more personally. They are doing a fantastic job as interior design leads, and I look forward to our strong working relationship continuing in the coming year.
Thank you all for your dedication and support, and I hope you have a safe, happy, and relaxing holiday season!